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Minun pieni tarinani.

Lopullinen raportti löytyy matkapäiväkirjasta.


Chennai GeoGebra workshop

It was fun to have my talk with Google Hangouts. I hope the audience liked it.

1 st Workshop Homework

  1. Create a pentagram on a circle. Calculate the sum of the angles B, …, F. Make a theorem and prove it.
  2. Create a pentagram,where the points are not on a circle. Calculate the sum on angles G, …, K. Make a theorem and prove it.
  3. Make an application with lines that you could use in your lesson.
  4. Make an application with functions that you could use in your lesson.
  5. Go to and find one interesting GeoGebra material. If you dare, comment this blog and tell the name of the material and why you liked it. Don’t use your real name when you comment, use a nick. Enter your real email address, only I can see it.

I will add the links to my examples here some day. If you have questions, please ask by commenting this blog post.

2nd Workshop Homework

Please look at my examples at

  1. Create an app with sliders a, b and c to show what happens in a 2nd degree polynomial when the parameters are changed.
  2. Make an app that uses dynamical text and teaches something about the zeros of a 2nd degree polynomial.
  3. Make an app that plots a function of form (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)… using sliders. Add some dynamical text to it.
  4. Make an app that teaches derivatives.
  5. Make an app that teaches what happens to the value of the average and standard deviation if we add or multiply the original the numbers.
  6. Publish at least one of your own material on GeoGebraTube, use File -> Share.

If you have questions, please ask by commenting this blog post.